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Previous Question of 'Introduction of Literary Criticism: Up to Romantic Period'- 2017 (with answer)


Introduction of Literary Criticism: Up to Romantic Period



Subject Code: 231113

(Introduction of Literary Criticism: Up to Romantic Period)

Time: 4 Hours                                                                                                       Full Marks: 80


1. Answer any ten of the following questions                                                           1 × 10 = 10

a)   What, according to Aristotle, is the most important element of tragedy?

      Ans: According to Aristotle, Plot is the most important element of tragedy.

b)   What, according to Sidney, is the aim of poetry?

      Ans:  According to Sidney, the aim of poetry is to teach and delight. 

c)   Who is Stephen Gosson?

      Ans:  Stephen Gosson is an English satirist who attacked poetry on his book “The School of Abuse”.

d)   What is an epic?

      Ans: According to Aristotle, Epic poetry is a type of poetry that imitates 'noble' men like tragedy, but only has one type of meter and is narrative in form.

e)   Who coined the expression ‘Willing suspension of disbelief’?

      Ans: ST Coleridge coined the expression ‘Willing suspension of disbelief’.

f)   What is the ‘The Preface to Shakespeare”?

      Ans: “Preface to Shakespeare” by Samuel Johnson is a critical work on Shakespearean dramas.

g)   How does Wordsworth define a poet?

      Ans: According to Wordsworth, a poet is a man speaking to men.

h)   How many stages are there in Wordsworth’s Poetic Process?

      Ans:  There are four stages in Wordsworth’s Poetic Process.

i)    What is meant by the term ‘Vates’?

      Ans: The term 'Vates' means a diviner, foreseer, or prophet.

j)    Why does Johnson call Shakespeare “Poet of Nature”?

      Ans:  Johnson calls Shakespeare “Poet of Nature” because he faithfully represents human nature in his plays. He deals with passions and principles which are common to humanity. Moreover.  

k)   What is Stasimon?

      Ans:  Stasimon is one of the regular choral odes between two episodes in a Greek tragedy possibly sung with the chorus standing in its place in the orchestra.

l)    How does Coleridge define ‘imagination’?

      Ans: ,According to Coleridge, imagination is the working of poetic minds upon external objects or objects visible to the eyes.



Answer any five of the following questions:                                                               4 × 5 = 20

2    Describe the elements of tragedy.

3    What are the four objections raised against poetry in "An Apology for Poetry"?

4    What led Wordsworth to write "Preface to Lyrical Ballads"?

5    How does Dr. Johnson differentiate between Shakespeare's tragedies and comedies?

6    Describe Coleridge's views on Fancy and Imagination.

7    What does Aristotle say about dramatic unities?

8    What are the reasons of Shakespeare's universal popularity?

9    Write a short note on Wordsworth's poetic diction.



Answer any five questions:                                                                                        10 × 5 = 50

10  How does Dr. Johnson defend Shakespeare against the charge of violating the uniting the unity of place and the unity of time?

11  Discuss examine Sidney's views on the antiquity and universality of poetry.

12  What, according to Wordsworth, are the characteristics and functions of a poet?

13  What is Aristotle's view about an ideal tragic hero?

14  What, according to Johnson, are the faults of Shakespeare?

15  Why does Aristotle prefer complex plot for tragedy?

16  Elucidate Coleridge's theory of poetry.

17  Comment on Sidney's view on the functions of poetry.


2016 2017
